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watsaap vitor cosmeticos

Strong Barber's Powder Ointment shapes your hair giving texture and volume, in addition to controlling oiliness, it keeps the root structured and helps in texturing the hair.

Suitable for all hair types.

Super modern matte finish!
Add volume, embodying the strands

With it you can get looks from the most casual and laid-back to elaborate.

Precautions: In case of contact with eyes and other mucous membranes, wash immediately with water. In case of any irritation, discontinue use.
Keep the bottle closed and protected from heat and moisture.
Keep out of the reach of children.

How to Use: Apply to dry hair, rub a small amount on your hands and apply to the hair. Apply directly to the root to provide an EXTRA volume.

Original Strong Barber Effect Mate Powder Ointment

R$50.00 Regular Price
R$35.00Sale Price
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